Here are some sample Common App essays of students who have worked with SCS. All of these students are currently, or will be, attending one of their top choice…

Categories: academic advising , academic tips , college education , college essays
Here are some sample Common App essays of students who have worked with SCS. All of these students are currently, or will be, attending one of their top choice…
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Categories: academic coaching , academic tips , college essays
There are many types of essays that you might be asked to write as you progress through the upper-level high school and university classes. Some of these include narrative…
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Categories: academic coaching , academic tips , college essays , college life
It's happens to everyone: you suddenly realize that essay you thought was due in two weeks is actually due tonight. How are you going to manage to get it…
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Categories: academic advising , academic coaching , academic tips , admissions , college essays
If you want to have the JD, MD, MBA, or Ph.D. title behind your name, you may have many years of education ahead of you. However, first, you need…
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Categories: academic advising , academic coaching , academic tips , college essays , college life
Throughout high school and college, you’ve likely learned about the unethical nature of plagiarizing someone else’s work. However, self-plagiarism is a topic that is not as often discussed, but…
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Categories: academic advising , academic coaching , college essays , skills
College essays can be an especially difficult task. Many schools require multiple essays per application, and keeping track of all the essays while ensuring quality writing can be a…
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Categories: academic advising , admissions , college essays
This is honestly my favorite time of year - college application season! I have the privilege of working with many bright students who have exciting futures ahead of them.…
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